Knowledge Centre
The PaRD Knowledge Centre is a collection of relevant resources on religion and sustainable development. It includes reports, policy papers, booklets, journals, e-books and compendia.
PaRD invites everyone to submit resources by writing an email with the subject “Publication for PaRD Knowledge Centre” to Please include title, date of publication, teaser, author/editor, and attach the subsequent document.

Living Planet Monitor – Southern and Eastern Afric
This first issue of the Living Planet Monitor aims to monitor our commitment to sustainable food systems, conservation of land, ecological biodiversity, and water justice in Africa The Living Planet Monitor will give an overview of the situation in a particular continent by monitoring indicators on food security, water resources, land use, and climate resilience. It is a key instrument for faith communities to stay informed on the current situation, share good practices and projects led by church-based organisations, and give hope and courage to transform the situation. Edited by Dinesh Suna & Solene Villota-Jetzer. © 2024 World Council of Churches Organisation

The Role of Religious Actors in Population Dynamics – Insights from the African Dialogues on Faith and Demography
Africa is experiencing rapid demographic growth, with its population expected to rise from 1.5 billion to nearly 2.5 billion by 2050. Sixty percent of its people are under 25, presenting both opportunities for economic growth and challenges in education, health, and employment. This report shows how religious actors in Africa contribute to creating the foundations for demographic change through family planning, education and youth development – and which strategies they are pursuing in the process. © 2024 Religions for Peace, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the German Federal Foreign Office and the Berlin Institute for Population and Development

Lived Religion and Lived Development in Contemporary Society
Based on the notion of lived religion, the volume seeks to elucidate the role of religion in contemporary society in an international and interdisciplinary perspective. It draws its inspiration from the works of Wilhelm Gräb, who in his contribution to scholarship has emphasized and shaped the notion of lived religion as a basis for empirical and theoretical approaches to the study of religion. A lot of research has been conducted on the contribution of religious communities to development. © 2024 Philipp Öhlmann, Ignatius Swart, Birgit Weyel, Simangaliso Kumalo, Marie-Luise Frost, Ignatius Swart (eds.) / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht

Understanding an Islamic framework for peacebuilding
This working paper explores the broad ethics and Islamic teachings on avoiding violent conflict at a community level and explores how these can be used to promote sustainable systems of conflict resolution and peacebuilding within the communities where Islamic Relief works. © 2014 Islamic Relief

Evaluation of Sida’s Support to Peacebuilding in Conflict and Post-Conflict Contexts
This report presents the Somalia case study for the Evaluation of Sida’s support to Peacebuilding in Conflict and Post-Conflict Contexts and is an annex to the evaluation synthesis report. The evaluation has been commissioned by Sida and undertaken by Tana Copenhagen. It assesses Sida’s approach and support to peacebuilding at the strategic level and seeks to identify what has worked well and what has worked less well. © 2019 Sida

SIDA Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Programme Case Study
In insecure places, people need reliable information from trusted sources about security issues, disaster risks, upcoming elections and other topics that might cause a rise in local tensions. Many people get this information from listening to the radio. Islamic Relief has been supporting the use of local radio to address conflict issues and promote peace in Kenya. This case study explores how radio for peace works in practice. © 2021 © Islamic Relief Worldwide

The Federal Government’s Third Report on the Global Status of Freedom of Religion or Belief
With this Report, the German government is fulfilling the mandate given to it by the Bundestag (lower house of parliament) to report on the global status of freedom of religion or belief. Freedom of religion or belief is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Advocating for this specific right helps to bolster all human rights. © 2023 Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Cooperation in multi-stakeholder partnerships: conflict management
Multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) are characterised by cooperation between an extremely diverse group of stakeholders. This central feature of MSPs serves as a key resource and at the same time gives rise to numerous challenges, not least conflict. © 2024 Partnerships2030

Four elements of exit strategies for multi-stakeholder partnerships
The consideration of possible exit strategies for multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) is – just like the conception and implementation phase – an important part of an MSP cycle. An exit strategy outlines the planned termination or transformation of the multi-stakeholder partnership as soon as the objectives of the partnership have been achieved or circumstances require a change. Based on the consulting experience of Partnerships2030, MSPs are usually confronted with different scenarios. © 2024 Partnerships2030

Multi-stakeholder Partnership (MSP) Success Factors
Multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) have enormous potential to bring about social change and tackle complex global challenges – if they are successful. But how can MSPs ensure their long-term success? Based on the four typical phases of MSPs, the guide identifies six success factors that can help overcome the most common challenges. © 2023 Partnerships2030

Background paper: Results of multi-stakeholder partnerships – Social, ecological and economic impacts at the local level
This background paper to the guidelines on the impacts of multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) is intended for those who want to examine more closely the impacts of MSPs at the local level, and how they are achieved. © 2024 Partnerships2030

Policy Paper: Culturally Sensitive Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in the Syrian Context – Findings Of a Research Capacity-Sharing Project
This paper highlights the importance of culturally adapted MHPSS interventions for Syrian communities affected by conflict and displacement. Based on a one-year research capacity-sharing project, it underscores the role of local researchers in shaping context-specific solutions to enhance mental health and psychosocial wellbeing. First published in 2023 by Syria Bright Future (SBF) and the Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities (JLI). © 2023 Dr Mohammad Abo-Hilal, Dr Jennifer Philippa Eggert, Manal Alkourdi, Zein Okab, Marwa Alghadban, Amr Mustafaalhasan.

Turning the Tide on Women’s Inequality
The recommendations stem from the KAICIID Women’s Voices webinar series, titled “Turning the Tide on Women’s Inequality: Transforming Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Economic Solutions for All.” Participants proposed actionable steps to address barriers to women’s empowerment and mobilise resources for implementing SDG 5. These events were coordinated with support from PaRD and its Workstream on Gender Equality and Empowerment. ©2024 KAICIID

Faith-sensitive Approaches to Gender Equality and Empowerment
This publication celebrates the powerful role of religious actors in championing gender equality and showcases innovative strategies aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG 5). © 2024 PaRD

Strengthening Faith-Sensitive Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) for Children on the Move (Arabic Version)
This policy brief was published in September 2023 in English and provides recommendations for promoting mental health and interfaith-sensitive psychosocial support to strengthen the resilience of displaced children. It is now available in Arabic. © 2024 PaRD / نُشر موجز السياسات هذا في سبتمبر/أيلول 2023 باللغة الإنجليزية، ويقدم توصيات لتعزيز الصحة النفسية والدعم النفسي والاجتماعي المراعي للأديان لتعزيز قدرة الأطفال النازحين على الصمود. وهو متوفر الآن باللغة العربية. © PaRD 2024

Fortalecimiento de la salud mental y del apoyopsicosocial sensible a la fe para los niños y lasniñas en movimiento
Este informe político se publicó en septiembre de 2023 en inglés y ofrece recomendaciones para fortalecer la salud mental y el apoyo psicosocial sensibles a la fe con el fin de fomentar la resiliencia en los niños desplazados. Ahora está disponible en español. © 2024 PaRD