Knowledge Centre
The PaRD Knowledge Centre is a collection of relevant resources on religion and sustainable development. It includes reports, policy papers, booklets, journals, e-books and compendia.
PaRD invites everyone to submit resources by writing an email with the subject “Publication for PaRD Knowledge Centre” to Please include title, date of publication, teaser, author/editor, and attach the subsequent document.

Strengthening Faith-Sensitive Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) for Children on the Move
This policy brief published in September 2023 provides recommendations for strengthening faith-sensitive MHPSS in order to foster resilience in displaced children. © 2023 PaRD

Scoping Study: Looking Back to Look Forward – The Role of Religious Actors in Gender Equality since the Beijing Declaration
The report, authored by Dr. Nora Khalaf-Elledge, reveals how religious actors have advanced and hindered gender equality since the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action and Declaration in 1995. The report provides a critical and contextualized understanding of how religion and gender politics are intertwined in all countries, high and low-income alike. © 2021 JLI

Religious Freedom and Populism – The Appropriation of a Human Right and How to Counter It
Illustrated by various examples from different countries and thematic contexts, the anthology identifies typical patterns of populist appropriation and reinterpretation. It discusses which social dynamics favour the success of such populist strategies and what solutions are available to counteract them. First published in 2024 by transcript Verlag, Bielefeld © 2024 Bernd Hirschberger, Katja Voges (eds.)

Der gesellschaftliche Umgang mit den Toten – eine Frage der Menschenwürde!
Warum ist ein angemessener Umgang mit Verstorbenen so wichtig? Wie wirken sich Verstöße gegen einen angemessenen Umgang auf Angehörige und ganze Gesellschaften aus? Wie kann diesen Verstößen begegnet werden? Eine Publikation der Deutschen Kommission Justitia et Pax geht diesen Fragen aus menschenrechtlicher Sicht nach. © 2023 Deutsche Kommission Justitia et Pax

El trato que la sociedad dispensa a las personas fallecidas: una cuestión de dignidad humana
¿Por qué es esencial atender a los muertos de forma adecuada? ¿Cómo afectan a los familiares y a sociedades enteras las violaciones del cuidado adecuado de los difuntos? ¿Cómo pueden contrarrestarse estas violaciones? Una publicación de la Comisión alemana Justitia et Pax examina estas cuestiones desde la perspectiva de los derechos humanos. © 2023 Comisión alemana Justitia et Pax

How society cares for the dead – a matter of human dignity!
Why is it essential to care for the dead in an appropriate manner? How do violations of the appropriate care for the dead affect relatives and entire societies? How can such violations be counteracted? A publication by the German Commission for Justice and Peace examines these questions from a human rights perspective. © 2023 German Commission for Justice and Peace

Climate Change, Conflict and Freedom of Religion or Belief
Climate change is not just an environmental issue; it multiplies conflict risks and threatens Freedom of Religion and Belief (FoRB). Though the link between climate change and FoRB is not fully recognized, understanding their intersection is crucial. This policy brief highlights the urgent need for policymakers to integrate climate change and FoRB in their strategies. Authors: Elizabeth Nelson, Daniel Ekomo-Soignet, Rachel Forster © 2024 Search for Common Ground

Religious Communities and Ecological Sustainability in Southern Africa and Beyond
This volume seeks to elucidate the role of religious communities for ecological sustainability with a focus on Southern Africa. The book provides resources for scholars and students of religion and ecological sustainability, religious communities and faith-based organizations as well as policymakers, practitioners and NGOs in the field of sustainable development. © 2024 Philipp Öhlmann and Juliane Stork as editors and the respective authors. Attribution 4.0 International

“We have values that are needed” – Faith Actors and their role in Civic Space
The report, entitled “We have values that are needed: Faith Actors and their role in Civic Space,” by Dr Elisabet Le Roux, cobranded by DanChurchAid, ACT Alliance, and the World Council of Churches (WCC), was released on 18 June at a side event during the 56th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva. © 2024 ACT Alliance, DCA, WCC

Sacred Sites Promoting Pluralism
Conference Readout: On March 15, 2024, Pepperdine University’s Program on Global Faith and Inclusive Societies convened a formal launch event for the Sacred Sites Promoting Pluralism (SSPP) initiative after a year of preliminary research. © 2024 SSPP

Climate Change Disinformation: The Need for Legal Development
The World Council of Churches (WCC), in a submission to the Assembly of State Parties to the International Criminal Court on 14 December 2023 urged the creation of a better legal framework to address climate change disinformation. © 2023 WCC

Bericht der Bundesregierung zur weltweiten Lage der Religions- und Weltanschauungsfreiheit
Der Dritte Bericht zum weltweiten Stand der Religions- und Weltanschauungsfreiheit wurde von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Religions- und Weltanschauungsfreiheit im Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Auswärtigen Amt (AA) erstellt. Er umfasst den Zeitraum von 2020 bis 2022. © 2023 BMZ

The German Federal Government’s Third Report on the Global Status of Freedom of Religion or Belief
The Third Report on the Global Status of Freedom of Religion or Belief was prepared by the Federal Government Commissioner for Freedom of Religion or Belief, who is based at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), in cooperation with the German Federal Foreign Office (AA). It covers the period from 2020 to 2022. © 2023 BMZ

Tercer Informe del Gobierno Federal Alemán Sobre la Situación Mundial de la Libertad de Religión o Convicciones
Resumen del tercer informe sobre la situación mundial de la libertad de religión o de creencias, elaborado por el Comisionado del Gobierno Federal para la Libertad de Religión o Creencia del Ministerio Federal de Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo (BMZ) en cooperación con el Ministerio Federal de Asuntos Exteriores (AA). Abarca el periodo comprendido entre 2020 y 2022. 2023 BMZ

Diverse Pathways to People-Centred Justice
This report sets out a constructive way forward to achieve greater engagement with the empirical reality of customary and informal justice (CIJ) and – in appropriate cases – engagement with CIJ. PaRD members partcipated in a multi-religious consultation in 2023 to help inform this report of the Working Group on Customary and Informal Justice and SDG16+. © 2023 IDLO

Global Voices on the International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable Development
Discover a collective narrative from 10+ voices within the International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable Development, revealing the profound connections between faith and sustainability. © 2023 PaRD