Church and Business against HIV & AIDS Trust / CHABAHIVA Trust

Problem The HIV/AIDS pandemic in South Africa is amongst the worst in the world. Now, with the addition of Covid-19 and the developing world struggling to adapt with limited resources, PLHIV are at higher risk and are more vulnerable than before. 1 in 3 people infected by HIV are adolescent girls/young women aged 15-24. Non-profit organisations responding to these various challenges are expected to do much more with higher constraints. CHABAHIVA created and delivered its own HIV Peer Educator training programme which engages, develops, and encourages youth and agricultural workers in specific areas. As a compassionate and responsible social investor, CHABAHIVA focuses on developing and strengthening organisations so that they in turn can sustainably continue the work they excel at. CHABAHIVA is doing so by working through their collaborative network of organisations that implement and support compassionate and holistic HIV prevention and care programmes. CHABAHIVA’s role in this network is to support, strengthen, and empower the services and organisational stability of its partners. It does so by sourcing the resources and capabilities of businesses, government, university institutions, faith structures, donor’s and donor organisational partnerships.
Type: Faith-based organisation
Year of accession: 2018