
Digni is an umbrella organisation for 20 Norwegian development agencies, mission societies, and churches engaged in long-term development cooperation with local partners around the world. Digni manages and distributes funds on behalf of Norad, The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation. All Digni’s member organisations are founded on Christian values. This affects Digni’s way of thinking and working. Creation should be managed with care, and all people are equally valuable and should be treated with respect. In developing countries, Digni’s members have a comprehensive network of partner organisations and constituencies. This ensures cultural insight, local ownership, and grassroots involvement. Digni is actively working against corruption and systematically strengthening civil society through building solid organisations and competent management at all levels. Dignis vision is: “a peaceful and transformed world where human dignity is upheld, poverty is eliminated, justice prevails, no one is left behind; a world where there is responsible stewardship of creation and climate justice succeeds.”
Type: Faith-based organisation
Year of accession: 2017