WECARE Resource Catalogue
Resources Regarding Water, Environment and Climate Action
The PaRD Water, Environment, and Climate Action (WECARE) Workstream brings together key articles, links, and videos around SDGs 6, 13, 14, and 15. The articles are sorted alphabetically by provider under the individual headings.
- Courses on Sustainability and Environmental Justice
(Provider: Globethics) - Collection of KAICIID E-Learning Courses
(Provider: KAICIID) - Engaging Faith Actors to Strengthen Cities’ Resilience to Climate Change and Disasters
(Provider: KAICIID) - Faith, Environment and Climate Change
(Provider: KAICIID)
- Best Practice: Using Religious Leaders as a Platform for Zero Leprosy and Zero Discrimination
(Provider: Christian Journal for Global Health) - Bridging the divide between health, social development and environmental interventions: an example from The Leprosy Mission
(Provider: Christian Journal for Global Health) - Church-led Partnerships with Interfaith Religious Leaders and Government for Raising Awareness on Leprosy in Sri Lanka
(Provider: Christian Journal for Global Health) - Kairos for Creation
(Provider: Department for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation of the United Evangelical Mission) - Interfaith statements for environmental justice 2008-2023
(Provider: Globethics) - Religion and Sustainable Development [collection]
(Provider: Globethics) - Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa (CYNESA) on Faith for Earth
(Provider: Faith for Earth Initiative/ UNEP) - People and Planet: Faith in the 2030 Agenda
(Provider: Faith for Earth Initiative/ UNEP) - Report on Symposium Faith Action on the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Progress and Outlook
(Provider: Faith for Earth Initiative/ UNEP) - UNEP: Environment, religion and culture in the context of the 2030 Agenda
(Provider: Faith for Earth Initiative/ UNEP) - Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities (JLI): Climate and faith resources
(Provider: JLI) - Video collection of religious leaders and clergy on spirituality and sustainability made available by the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development
(Provider: Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development) - Tearfund learning website
(Provider: Tearfund) - Acqua fons vitae – a collection of statements, tools and initiatives from the Holy See and the Catholic Church
(Provider: Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development) - Creation Care and Loving our Neighbours by Thomas Schirrmacher and Thomas K. Johnson
(Provider: World Evangelical Alliance) - Panel exhibition “Seeds of Hope and Action”
(Provider: Soka Gakkai International & Earth Charter International) - For better or for worse. The role of religion in development cooperation (2019). With articles by Rev. Henrik Grape and Dave Bookless
(Provider: Swedish Mission Council)
- Blue Ethics : Ethical Perspectives on Sustainable, Fair Water Resources Use and Management
(Provider: Girardin, Benoît Fiechter-Widemann, Evelyne) - Water & faith city walk: Values of water
(Provider: Stockholm International Water Insitute) - World Water Week 2016: Water and Faiths. Faith based organizations contributing to the Water SDGs
(Provider: Stockholm International Water Insitute) - Overarching conclusions of the World Water Week 2018
(Provider: Stockholm International Water Insitute) - Water and Faith: World Water Week 2019 Engagements Summary
(Provider: Stockholm International Water Insitute) - Water Sanitation and Hygiene page
(Provider: Tearfund) - Ecumenical Water Network
(Provider: World Council of Churches) - WCC Ecumenical Water Network monthly newsletter “Together for water”
(Provider: World Council of Churches)
- Declaration Faith for Nature: Our Sacred Commitment
(Provider: Faith for Earth Initiative/ UNEP) - Faith for Earth: A Call for Action
(Provider: Faith for Earth Initiative/ UNEP) - Faith for Earth Dialogue Synthesis Report
(Provider: Faith for Earth Initiative/ UNEP) - Faith for Earth Strategy
(Provider: Faith for Earth Initiative/ UNEP) - FAITH FOR NATURE: Multi-faith action
(Provider: Faith for Earth Initiative/ UNEP) - The Role of Environmental and Spiritual Ethics in Galvanizing Nature Based Solutions Paper
(Provider: Faith for Earth Initiative/ UNEP) - UNEP: Video on Faith for Earth
(Provider: Faith for Earth Initiative/ UNEP) - Ecotheology, Climate Justice and Food Security [collection]
(Provider: Globethics) - The Challenge of Environment and Climate Justice: Imperatives of an Eco-Theological Reformation of Christianity in African Contexts
(Provider: Humboldt University of Berlin - All Faith Ecology Videos
(Provider: Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development & Nas Daily) - Tropical Forests and Climate Change
(Provider: Interfaith Rainforest Initiative) - Climate and Faith Resources
(Provider: Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities (JLI)) - Resource guide on Climate Change for Religious Communities
(Provider: Religions for Peace International) - Climate Change, Conflict and Freedom of Religion or Belief
(Provider: Search for Common Ground) - Environment and climate page
(Provider: Tearfund) - Faith in a Changing Climate – Stories from the world church. Ideas for prayer and action
(Provider: United Society Partners in Gospel) - The WCC and climate change
(Provider: World Council of Churches)
- Seven infographics on the connection between religion and ecology with the general Bible version
(Provider: Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development) - 18 Jewish ecological topics
(Provider: Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development) - Faith and Ecology blog
(Provider: Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development) - Video: Introducing the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative
(Provider: Interfaith Rainforest Initiative) - Tropical Forests: A Resource Under Threat
(Provider: Interfaith Rainforest Initiative) - Indigenous Peoples: Guardians of the Forests
(Provider: Interfaith Rainforest Initiative) - Faith toolkits
(Provider: Interfaith Rainforest Initiative)
Recommend a contribution to be added to the list by mailing info@pard.international.
Disclaimer: PaRD provides a neutral platform for governmental, intergovernmental, and Civil Society/Faith-based Organisations (CSOs/FBOs) to discuss development goals, share research, and develop independent policy recommendations. PaRD does not endorse specific policies or advocate for their adoption, and all publications by individual or collaborative members reflect only the views of the authors and their organisations, not PaRD or its members as a whole. This site contains links to internal and external websites; PaRD cannot guarantee that external websites comply with the same data protection standards as this one.