What we do
Sustaining Peace
The PaRD Sustaining Peace Workstream focuses on SDG16: promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
Focusing on the role of religion in sustaining and building peace, the workstream is committed to support action on SDG 16 at the grassroots level. This includes identifying a subset of countries where workstream members are already working in order to engage with local governments on national and international plans to advance SDG 16.
In addition to this, workstream members commissioned a scoping study on Partnering with Local Faith Actors to Support Peaceful and Inclusive Societies during the High-Level Political Forum 2019 in NYC, USA. The scoping study was presented and discussed during the 10th Religions for Peace World Assembly in Lindau, Germany in August 2019 and at the Tony Blair Insights Forum in Nairobi, Kenya, in November 2019. Furthermore, the work-stream co-hosted an online seminar with JLI on Ending Violence Against Children in September 2019 and supported Faith Action for Children on the Move, i.e. for the Global Refugee Forum, in December 2019. Besides, the Sustaining Peace Workstream co-hosted an online seminar with World Vision and the Conflict Sensitivity Community Hub (CSC-Hub) on Navigating the Nexus in the DRC in June 2020. During the Geneva Peace Week (November 2-6, 2020), the work-stream together with the other PaRD workstreams produced a podcast on Identifying Funding and Resource Gaps with COVID-19 in the Field: A Religious Actors Perspective on Health, Gender, Environment and Peace.
Building on the Scoping Study “Partnering with Local Faith Actors to Support Peaceful and Inclusive Societies” the PaRD SDG 16 Workstream is looking to conduct a deep dive country study in different sub-regions of Myanmar. This study will look more closely into the level of effectiveness of local faith actors (LFAs) including religious institutions, faith-based organizations, and religious actors and leaders who have been working towards the achievement of SDG16 in the context of Myanmar, using the humanitarian-development-peace, or “triple nexus” as a lens for analysis. The study aims to identify good or promising practice regarding the unique role of local faith actors. Further, the workstream will organise a side event on Faith Action for Children on the Move (FACoM) in coordination with the FACoM Steering Committee. It will co-host online seminars with topics pertinent to SDG 16 through co-leadership of different work-stream members, represent the SDG 16 Workstream in external conferences and events such as the Alliance for Peacebuilding in December 2020. Additionally, it will address the implications of COVID-19 for peacebuilding in online seminars, joint papers, conference panels, etc.
Sustaining Peace Workstream Leads

Dilshan Annaraj
Associate Director; Peacebuilding Programming;
World Vision International

Claudia Costa Moreira
Global Strategic Coordinator for Reconciled Peace-Filled Societies Corporate Priority;

David Couzens
Team Lead Peacebuilding Unit;

Pietro Siena
Programme Officer, East and Francophone Africa;
International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID)