Greatly concerned by the unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives of children around the world, the participants of the Global Week of Faith in Action for Children have issued a Statement.
Children, young people and religious leaders from more than 53 countries, together with representatives of the United Nations, international, national and grassroots organizations, and diverse experts made the following proposals:
- Listen with an open heart to them, talk with, support and motivate them in these challenging times.
- Create ways to continue to stay in contact with them despite the disruptions, be creative to ensure that none of them feels isolated or unsupported, even if they cannot connect using technology.
- Help children and young people to find coping mechanisms, and find ways to foster their imagination and creativity even during the lockdown.
… and more.
Among the subscribers there were a number of PaRD members with Arigatou International at the forefront, as well as International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID), International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB), Islamic Relief Worldwide, Norwegian Church Aid, World Council of Churches, World Vision International and others.