Articles & News


Call for submission by April 30th, 2018: Good Practice Examples of Local Faith Community Responses to Refugees

The Joint Learning Initiative on Faith & Local Communities (JLI) Refugee Hub is collaborating with UNHCR to undertake an analysis of Good Practice Examples of Local Faith Community Responses to Refugees.

Original article by JLI Refugee Hub Co-Chairs Dr. Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh (University College London) and Atallah Fitzgibbon (Islamic Relief Worldwide)

The analysis is part of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) and Global Compact on Refugees processes. Its first stage of research will identify and examine one or more examples of good practice in each of seven case study countries: Honduras, Mexico, Central African Republic, Uganda, Lebanon, Germany and Bangladesh. The JLI Refugee Hub will be working with local researchers to conduct up to 30 interviews with refugees, hosts, and faith leaders in each country.

In order to arrange these interviews and build the case for each good practice case study, the JLI Refugee Hub invites to submit for consideration examples from the seven countries. Submitters are asked to provide some brief information on the case as well as interview recommendations to take place in country in May. The form for submission is set up to guide submitters through the process of identifying what counts as good practice in this instance and can be found here.

The initial findings will be presented at the UNHCR NGO consultations at the end of June. As they are dependent on their members’ contributions in order to present the findings of the first stage, the JLI Refugee Hub would be most grateful for submissions through the form by COB on 30th April.

JLI is also interested in inviting key religious leaders from the case study countries to the events in late June and early July. Any proposals can be added to the interview recommendations on the form. Further information about the next stages in this 18-month action-research project, including capacity building and training elements will follow soon.