The coronavirus COVID-19 worries many people around the world and leads to numerous cancellations of events. This has affected also the work of PaRD.
The Work-stream on Gender Equality and Empowerment prepared side events for the 64th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women in New York in March, which now has been suspended until further notice. Even though this is deluding for those who invested lots of time and work in the preparation of the event, the PaRD Secretariat would like to thank all the members involved for their commitment.
It was agreed that the meeting will be of a procedural nature, with Member States being represented by their Permanent Missions to the United Nations but not followed up by a general discussion.
The Secretary General of the United Nations strongly recommended to refrain from travelling to UN Headquarters.
In light of uncertain development in relation to COVID-19, PaRD Secretariat will keep its members updated on any changes that may arise regarding relevant events and meetings.