The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) organized its first “Peace Messengers Training”, with the objective of enabling participants to plan and facilitate local trainings for sharing skills and experience in their own communities.
As a result, Young people from Christian and Muslim backgrounds around the world who took part in a training on peace building skills and practice in Jerusalem, say they are going back home inspired that youth can actively engage in promoting conflict resolution and global peace.
During the 21-28 September workshop hosted by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL), the participants gained skills to analyze different types of conflict and have deeper understanding about peace. They also looked at tools for advocacy, negotiation and mediation and how to combine such capacity with individual experiences, faith and cultural traditions in order to make them relevant to specific contexts. Topics discussed included equal citizenship, human rights in conflict situations, women and peace building. Moreover, Christian, Jewish and Muslim religious leaders in the Holy Land shared their experiences with the LWF peace messengers.
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