The Strategic Learning Exchange (SLE) approach aims at bringing together representatives from UN organisations as well as from international, bilateral and religious organisations for a common learning exchange. There is a great variety of actors. Mandate, resources and motivation differ considerably. However, when it comes to implementing humanitarian work on the ground, differences often vanish. Many times, the challenges to be faced are the same for all of them. The SLE offered a platform for discussing these commonalities and differences. While engaging with each other, many expressed wishes and demands related to their work. Some future collaborations have certainly be arranged during the SLE.
Religious actors are the only actors still daring to make use of the extinct terms ‘tenderness’ and ‘solidarity’. Prince Hassan ibn Talal
Prince Hassan ibn Talal assumed the patronage of the event. As member of the Jordan royal family, he is known for his efforts towards fostering interfaith dialogue. A friend of clear words, lucid analysis and visions, he reminded the participants of human dignity as being at the core of humanitarian work. In his view, religious divisions are not helpful in situations of need. However, religions often act as unifying forces in desparate times by building bridges. Without a doubt, religions share the value of human dignity and live up to this value by delivering essential services for those in need regardless of their status or affiliation.
In Amman, organisations as diverse as UNHCR, UNEP, UNWOMAN, UNAIDS, GIZ, Lutheran World Federation, Coptic-Orthodox Church in Egypt, World Vision International, Islamic Charity Center Society, Stockholm International Water Institute, Jordan Ministry of Awqaf and many others met often for the first time to exchange experiences and work on solutions for common challenges. Prior to the SLE, Participants had handed in case studies, which served as pegs for further discussions both on such challenges and on success stories as well as future ideas. For participants of the SLE, UN organizations and religious actors, which often appear as black boxes for outsiders, are now connected to names and faces. Through this, the SLE certainly helped not to lose track of the variety of actors and their diverse activities.
The SLE was initiated by UNFPA / UN Interagency Task Force on Religion and Development. Further partners were the Humanitarian Leadership Academy, UNAIDS, KAICIID, Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization, GIZ Jordan, and the PaRD secretariat.