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Full report of the 2018 G20 Interfaith Forum now online

“Building Consensus for Fair and Sustainable Development: Religious Contributions for a Dignified Future” was the theme for the Forum held in September in Buenos Aires.

The Forum helps to identify and showcase the policy and societal contributions of faith traditions and philosophies on leading global issues. It creates opportunities for communication and relationship building, and raises the profile of participating communities, groups, and organizations.

The aim of the G20 Interfaith Forum is to develop recommendations on priority issues that draw on interfaith insight and experience.

The organizers – including several PaRD members – welcomed more than 200 participants and attendees to three days filled with presentations and panels drawing on leading expertise and global diversity. Please see the concept note including a full list of organising partners and the Forum’s agenda on the right for more information.

As in past years, several regional pre-meetings fed recommendations into the Forum and on to G20 leaders. Focused working groups develop concrete policy recommendations around various G20 themes during the forum and thereafter. These are now available alongside the full summary report. Please view the online document containing all policy reommendations through the links provided on the Forum’s website.

This was the fifth annual event in a series of G20 Interfaith Forums held in relation to the meetings of the international “Group of Twenty” (G20) Economic Summit. This year’s Forum was held in anticipation of the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, taking place from November 30th to December 1st. Previous Interfaith Forums have been held in Gold Coast, Australia (2014); Istanbul, Turkey (2015); Beijing, China (2016); and Potsdam, Germany (2016). Ties to the overall G20 process are informal but the Argentinian G20 organizers displayed strong interest in the work emanating from the G20 Interfaith Forum initiatives, recognizing their potential to make a strong and independent, internationally-based contribution to the overall G20 process.