Having been attended by over 2,558 individuals, the 2017 High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development was highly participatory. 147 side events were held during this Forum – compared to 106 in 2016. Out of the 147 side events, 23 were on/with religious and faith-based issues and organizations, as communicated to the UN Interagency Task Force on Religion and Development (UNIATF), which is convened by UNFPA. A report presenting some of these events can be downloaded in the right column. Please note that this report is not an overview of all faith-related events, but highlights a select few which involved members of UNIATF.
The upcoming 2017 United Nations General Assembly will take place from September 12th to 25th, 2017. UNIATF offers all interested religious and faith-based partners the opportunity to share their plans for the UNGA ahead of time in order to disseminate this information as widely as possible. For all those planning events during, or just prior and/or after the 2017 UNGA, please click here and fill in the form.
Subsequently, the UNIATF will be able to make these events known with non-faith-based NGOs, UN organizations, and UN Missions as well as within PaRD – reaching interested organisations and individuals not only in the US, but around the world. In other words, efforts are magnified, because knowledge is power.
For further information on the UNGA please see the links in the right column. In addition, a preliminary list of some events scheduled for UNGA can be found as well.
Further information on PaRD
If you would like to learn more about PaRD, please access How PaRD Works, read our mission statement, partnership principles, and visit our World Map. You can also find out about our members and partners, or download our introductory presentation.