Over 100 organizations release a statement in advance of the International Day of Peace on September 21th, 2019 in New York.

September 21st marks the International Day of Peace, which was established in 1981. In advance of this day, on September 18th, 2019 over a hundred international and domestic peacebuilding organizations joined together in New York to release the statement People, Planet… and Peace. The statement calls on governments and the international community to move from commitments to action on peace in the 2030 Agenda, align crisis response with longer term prevention and peacebuilding efforts, protect and support civil society, and recommit to multilateralism as a safeguard for the most vulnerable.
In an interdependent world, increasingly impacted by the self-inflicted scourges of climate change and inequality, we need to redouble our collective efforts to prevent violent conflict by addressing its roots, and in structuring our response to crisis in ways that support local capacities, respect human rights and align with long-term plans to build sustainable peace.
People, Planet… and Peace: A shared statement by peacebuilding organizations
Several PaRD members, such as the Baha’i International Community, Globethics.net Foundation, Search for Common Ground, and World Council of Churches have signed the statement.
For more information, please find the full statement here