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PaRD on COVID-19 and climate at UN General Assembly

During the United Nations General Assembly, PaRD Members UNEP, World Vision and Global One co-host a webinar on “COVID-19 Child Sensitive, Inclusive and Greener Recovery Strategies to Build Back Better”. Start: 24 September, 8.00 – 9.30 AM EST.

Volkan Bozkir (left ), President of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly. At right Secretary-General António Guterres. By UN Photo/Evan Schneider

On its 75th anniversary, the United Nations will for the first time convene world leaders in a virtual format. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) started on 17 September and will end on 5 October 2020. All events will take place mostly virtually, while a limited number of New York-based representatives of Member States may be physically present at United Nations Headquarters.

On September 24, right before the High-Level Roundtable on Climate Action starts, PaRD Members co-host a webinar on “COVID-19 Child Sensitive, Inclusive and Greener Recovery Strategies to Build Back Better” from 8.00 – 9.30 AM EST.

Keynote speakers:

  • Andrew Morley, President & CEO World Vision
  • Sarafina. Child speaker from Africa
  • Dr. Iyad Abu Moghli, Principal Policy Advisor for Strategic Engagement with Faith-based Organizations, UNEP
  • Dr Husna Ahmad Obe, CEO of Global One 2015, representing the International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable Development (PaRD)
  • Mr. Olivier De Schutter, Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights.
  • Closing: Richard Rumsey, Livelihood Global Lead – World Vision


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*Disclaimer: Owing to its nature as an international partnership bringing together governmental and intergovernmental entities with diverse Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)/ Faith-based Organizations (FBOs), PaRD does not endorse specific policies or advocate for the adoption of policies by government or international organizations. Rather, PaRD dedicates itself to creating a neutral space for all its members to discuss development goals, review evidence-based research, share best practices, and develop independent policy recommendations, with the aim of fostering partnership between government and faith-based organizations, while respecting the unique identity and positions of all members. For this reason, research, publications, or policy recommendations published by either individual or collaborative organizational members of PaRD, represent solely the opinions of the authors and the independent organizations they represent. Such publications do not reflect, nor are intended to reflect, the views of PaRD, its leadership team, the full body of its members, nor any consensus of members within the PaRD network.