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Stockholm Civil Society Days 2017: Which positive effects can religious actors have on sustainable development?

This question was discussed at a workshop titled “Exploring holy and unholy alliances – why religion matters in combating shrinking civic space” on September 21st, 2017 in Stockholm.


The workshop was organised by the Swedish Mission Council (SMC) and Knowledge forum for religion and development, a working group focusing issues concerning the role of religion in development cooperation. The group consists of members from The Swedish Mission Council, Islamic Relief, Church of Sweden, PMU, The Christian Council of Sweden and Diakonia.

The aim of the workshop was to extract knowledge and experiences from secular and faith based organisations and different government actors in relation to religion and religious actors in contexts with shrinking civic space.  By invitation of the organizers, Nabiela Farouq from the International Partnership of Religion and Sustainable Development (PaRD) joined in on the discussion.

Please find the original report on the event written by the Swedish Mission Coucil here. Further details on the workshop can be found here.