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Water and Faith: 2018 World Water Week

A number of events raised interest and attention to the shared efforts of faith actors to achieve SDG 6, to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.


During the 2018 World Water Week from 26th-31st August, the Water and Faith consortium partners, including World Council of Churches (WCC), the Church of Sweden, the Stockholm Water Institute (SIWI) and GIZ (on behalf of BMZ), organised a series of activities and events to bring key water professionals and faith-based actors together to create a shared space for dialogue and partnership development.

Each event was designed to elevate key messages around water and faith partnership with implementation parters to raise interest and attention to the shared efforts to achieve SDG 6, to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

The Water and Faith event laid focus on joint action between the various faith based organisations (FBOs) as well as between FBOs and water sector representatives. 

The following concrete outcomes could be reached during these events: 

  • A decision was taken to undertake evident-based research and documentation of good practices on water issues by the faith communities.
  • To expand the collaboration with FBOs by the water sectors. 
  • To present the water community at the next World Water Week with concrete examples of collaborations and impacts on water issues between the water sector and FBOs.
  • To contribute to the Synthesis Report on SDG 6 by the World Water Assessment Programme on contributions of the faith communities in addressing water crisis.
  • To explore possibilities of attracting investments from faith communities and religious bodies for ‘impact  investment’ on water sector, in line with the ‘Faith and Finance’ guidelines developed at a consultation in Zug, Switzerland in 2017.

For more information and all the session materials please follow this link