A Workshop on the Margins of the UN High Level Political Forum in New York, 15 -16 July, 2017
MSP Institute and Tellus Institute are organising one and a half days of focused presentations and lively interaction on multi-stakeholder partnerships that contribute to the SDGs under review at this year’s UN High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (1, 2, 3, 5, 9 and 14).
The workshop will:
1. Provide space for partnerships working on particular goals and targets to share their experiences and lessons learnt, helping to build a well-informed community of practice that can have a significant role in implementing the SDGs.
2. Begin to collate a set of principles that multi-stakeholder partnerships themselves articulate as guidance for how they work.
3. Inform the debate about multi-stakeholder partnerships for sustainable development at the UN, among governments and stakeholders.
Since PaRD works as a multi-stakeholder partnership that contributes to the SDGs, exchange and lessons learned on cooperation of multiple stakeholders is of particular interest for PaRD members and partners.
If you are interested in the workshop, please have a look at their website; or contact
Felix Dodds, Tellus Institute, felix@felixdodds.net
Dr Minu Hemmati, MSP Institute, minu.hemmati@msp-institute.org